Species: White Ash
Size (HxW): 50’ x 30’
Growth Habit: Uniform, Upright Oval
Planting Location: Sheltered
Zone 3a
- Dark green foliage turns an outstanding deep purple in fall
- Symmetrical shape makes this a great shade tree for the yard
- Seedless
- Fast Growth Rate: 15-24”/year
- Tolerates clay and sandy soils
- Good tolerance for moisture
- Non-suckering
- Non-Invasive tap root
- Individual Spacing: minimum of 25-30’ apart
- Row Spacing: minimum of 12-15’ apart
- Root Spacing: minimum of 15’ from foundations
- Life Expectancy: 80-100 years
- Potential impact may be observed if Emerald Ash borer would become prevalent – limited to no impact currently