Growth Habit: Climbing vine
Spacing: 6-8’ apart
Planting Location: Sheltered
Zone 3a
- NEW! Clusters of 1cm white grapes with 3-5 small seeds
- Fruit is good for fresh eating, preserves, juice & wine
- Self-fertile; will produce more fruit with a pollinator
- Grapes turn white-gold when ripe
- Fruit ripens in late August – early September; lasts for 1 week in refrigerator
- Starts bearing fruit 2-3 years after planting
- Plant pollinators within 200’ for best results
- Large, three-lobed, serrated foliage
- Textured leaves turn yellow in fall
- Panicles of tiny white flowers bloom in June
- Requires 6+ hours of sunlight for fruiting & foliage health
- Susceptible to powdery mildew if planted in shady spots or in times of high humidity
- Fast Growth Rate: 2-5’/year
- Growth dimensions: max 20-30’; grapes will grow to cover climbing surface provided