Miss Kim Lilac: Her Name is Kim

Authored by Ryan Falk - Nursery Sales Manager
May 13th, 2024
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The one species of shrubs we carry the most varieties of is undoubtedly lilacs. At least four different families of lilac and well over forty different cultivars have passed through our nursery over the years I have worked here. Do I have a favourite lilac you might ask? I certainly do. Her name is Miss Kim.

Miss Kim will grow 6-8 feet tall, making an excellent medium shrub or hedge row. As a Zone 2 cold tolerant shrub, Miss Kim Lilac is fully capable of withstanding the violent forces of Manitoba winters. It puts out light pink blossoms 1-2 weeks later than most lilacs, offering an extension on the lilac blooming season. It is a truly prolific bloomer creating the beautiful fragrance only lilacs can boast of in the process.

Like all lilacs, Miss Kim requires full sun: meaning it needs 6 hours or more of it in a day. It is quite soil tolerant and drought tolerant as well as cold, wind and heat tolerant. The key though is to avoid planting it in a low wet area or heavy clay as she doesn’t appreciate excess moisture for extended periods of time.

It is also very disease resistant keeping her leaves very clean and fresh looking late into the fall. This is convenient as Miss Kim puts on her second colour show of the year in autumn with deep purple fall foliage. This is the key trait that sets Miss Kim Lilac aside from all others. Very few lilacs have substantial fall colour and it was this trait that won Miss Kim the title of favourite.

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