A Little Write-up on the Little Quickfire Hydrangea

Compact form. Long lasting flowers. Excellent fall colour. More cold tolerant than most other hydrangeas. The Little Quickfire is an excellent addition to our prairie selection.
When it was discovered that the original Quickfire Hydrangea could grow as high as 7′ it didn’t take long before Proven Winners developed the Little Quickfire and brought it into the market. Being only 4′ tall at maturity, it is far more space efficient.
Like all hydrangeas it is a beautiful bloomer. Beginning with white flowers in late spring, darkening to pink in summer and finishing with light red in fall. It will even hold the dried flowers until the next spring giving some winter appeal. The foliage will also change colours in fall turning from rich green to fiery orange.
The flowers are also very nice for cutting and using in bouquets. Depending on what time of year you cut them you could have a variety of different colours.
Personally, it is one of my favourites. I have 3 of them planted on the east side of my house where it can get it’s preferred hours of sunlight. Lots of morning sun, but shade for the afternoon when the sun’s heat can become too intense. The house also helps to block the north-west winds protecting them over winter. While being hardier than many other hydrangeas they still require some shelter and a good blanket of snow cover. Wood chip mulch around its base is very helpful to prevent hydrangeas from dehydration and protecting the roots from the winter cold. A quick pruning to remove last years left over blooms prepares the Little Quickfire for the new season.
It has all the great traits of the Quickfire that we know and love but put into a smaller more compact plant!
Can’t wait to see how they flower for me this summer!